
August 16, 2018

CT Comm Announces Grand Re-Opening

CT Comm, local high speed Internet and network solutions provider, proudly announces the Grand Re-Opening ribbon cutting event of the year for Champaign County and surrounding counties on August 23, 2018 at 11:00AM to 1:00PM.


With its newly redesigned and remodeled office, CT Comm is home to a brand-new way of business thinking: instead of reinventing the wheel, they are recreating the scene. Stepping eagerly outside of the box, CT Comm has succeeded in making “local” feel a bit more “livelier”.


As a proud provider of technology services for the Champaign County community over the last century, CT Comm provides reliable services with exceptional customer care. With its high speed Internet and cutting edge network solutions, CT Comm has confidently reemerged as the propelling force and best choice for connection capabilities, shipping services, and IT solutions in the area.


Currently serving more than 5,000 residential and business customers, “CT Comm has openly embraced a shift in our traditional thought processes and have successfully infused a fresh perspective and newly ignited passion internally,” said Tim Bolander, President of CT Comm. “We are very excited about this Grand Re-Opening and hope that it will serve as an inspiration to all local businesses who are considering redefining their strategy, look, services, or message to the community. We want to be the epicenter of our community—a place where anyone can stop by to grab some coffee, sit on our patio, or just say ‘hi’.”


With a rich history in connecting the communities they serve, CT Comm provides essential products and services, while striving continuously to find relevant ways to benefit their local neighborhoods.


“From our new brand identity to the big city feel of our new office, CT Comm is creating an exciting buzz around Champaign County. We value being local and hope that Champaign County will continue to show its unsurmountable support as we continue to grow and expand our organization,” said Emily Huffman, Customer Service & Sales Manager at CT Comm. “With new high speed Internet plans and infrastructure in place, we decided to use our Grand Re-Opening as an opportunity to allow the community to get educated on everything new we now offer.”


CT Comm is scheduled to host a highly anticipated Grand Re-Opening and ribbon cutting event on August 23rd, 2018. The CT Comm office, located at 126 Scioto Street in Urbana, will be revealing its new look inside and out—a project in partnership with Bootstrap & Co. Creative Studios, also a local company.


For more information on the services provided by CT Comm, please visit


Event Details:

Date: August 23rd, 2018
Where: CT Comm Office
Address: 126 Scioto Street, Urbana, OH 43078
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Details: Food trucks, music, giveaways, light refreshments




Emily Huffman
Customer Service & Sales Manager
CT Comm
Phone: (937) 653.4000; Email: [email protected]




CT Comm ( is an Internet and network solutions provider that services businesses and residential customers in Champaign County. Established in 1898 as the Champaign County Telephone Company, CT Comm is the second largest independently owned telecommunications company in the United States. CT Comm is committed to the innovation and strategic implementation of products and services that are relevant, critical, and valuable to the needs of local individuals, families, and businesses.